Corporate Social Responsibility

Warid Fashions recognises the need for social responsibility and ethical behaviour we are committed to Health and Safety, Environment, Our People, Quality Assurance Our community, Staff training Environment We aim to continually develop our corporate social responsibility policies to include the best sustainable practices. Through our business activities we aim to continually improve and maintain our environmentally sustainable plans.

Our People.

At Warid Fashions, we value our employees & operate a policy of equal opportunity and non discrimination. We aim: Not to discriminate against employees, contractors, visitors and the public, recognising the right of employees and associates to freedom of association and llective bargaining. Not to discriminate against employees and associates on the grounds of sex, race, colour, religion or age. To apply disciplinary practices in accordance with the ACAS code of conduct. To comply with all applicable legislation and other requirements to which we subscribe. To ensure our Management are committed to ensuring continual improvement in corporate social responsibility and accountability.